SBAC Virtual Opening Reception: QuaranTEAM

February 4, 2021

The South Bay Artist Collective will host the Virtual Opening Reception: QuaranTEAM on Thursday, February 4 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. via Zoom.

This show features new pieces by the inspirational teachers and volunteers that have been the life force of Resin over these challenging months. Their spirit and efforts have kept Resin’s heart beating and their doors open.

Viewers will be able to speak one on one with the different artists and they will explain their work and process. This is a new era for art and especially shows. and QuaranTEAM is the first show of this new year!

Zoom Meeting Info:
Zoom Meeting ID: 966 4340 5768
Passcode: 595814

For a sneak peak, visit

For additional information, visit the website at